Cashout Cancellation Endpoint

Learn how to use the Cashout Cancellation Endpoint to cancel cashouts when needed

Cashout Cancellation Endpoint


This API allows you to cancel a cashout request. Only for cashouts in PENDING state.


Request Body

    "cashout_status": 2,
    "cashout_status_description": "Canceled"

Cancel Cashout Request

The Cancel Cashout Request endpoint is only to cancel a cashout while it is still in PENDING state (it hasn't been sent for processing).

To do that, you will need to provide both the cashout ID on our end and the external ID you sent while creating the cashout.

The method to use this endpoint has to be DELETE.

Request Example

Content-Type: application/json 
Payload-Signature: 2e5023770760ea0a02230bff1a6dab934fe3b47a5e3d43854b58676600ee3868 

    "login": "cashout_login", 
    "pass": "cashout_pass", 
    "cashout_id": 11954,
    "external_id": "cashoutID2134"

Request Fields

Request Payload Signature

The Payload-Signature of the Cashout Status Endpoint is calculated by hashing the JSON payload of the request using HMAC256 and your secret key (API Signature) to encrypt it.

Click here for further instructions.

Cancel Cashout Response

Response Example

// Cashout cancelled successfully
    "cashout_status": 2,
    "cashout_status_description": "Canceled"

// Cashout not found
    "code": 509,
    "message": "Cashout not found with this ID"

// The cashout can't be cancelled because its status is not Pending
    "code": 510,
    "message": "Invalid status transition"

Response fields

Last updated